Considering the current world situation, the supply bias in Japan, such things and the role of Aging,Aging stores do not display masks as products they sell (do not sell)We are committed to connecting to distributors who can deliver more widely. (If you are interested in the background,"Megu's memo"Please refer to the. )
From the distributor, we deliver a lot to people in welfare facilities, restaurants, etc. who are in a working environment even during self-restraint, and it is almost two months since we decided to import on March 15. So far, I have handled 5 flights. Coming from the airportThis is a work that has to be exposed, not on Stay, because of touching luggage and even emergency cargo. If infected, it will affect all of our warehouses, shipping companies, and delivery destinations, so we will pay close attention and be aware that we can work vigorously.
We handle masks other than medical treatment, and we deliver them to people who need them at work, but the ones that are even more difficult are those at medical institutions. With the lack of medical masks, I think the word “limit” is a day when you are passing through your mind. I spend my time praying to get out of this critical situation soon.
Regarding the virus, we are still in a situation where we can not overlook, but due to the refraining from the consecutive holidays in May, some bright news has come to be seen. EveryoneLittle by little, get used to your current pace When did you come?
We will continue to do what we can to maintain good health and nourish our minds. Let's continue.Aging store also renews new product information We will open it, so let's do our best together💛